
Code Generation

Code Generation Software writing can be an arduous, error-prone task, so iMatix has made significant investments in R&D to automate this work. Our Model Oriented Programming (MOP) approach to code generation was pioneered over 15 years by Pieter Hintjens and Jonathan Schultz using 100% open source technologies from iMatix.

Pieter Hintjens introduced Libero, an automated code generator capable of turning workflow models (finite state machines) into code in any programming language.

Code generation is at the core of iMatix technology. In 1996, Pieter Hintjens and Jonathan Schultz constructed GSL — our generic code generator — as the first generation. Today we utilize GSL for creating codebots (software machines that write code) of unprecedented sophistication and capability.

Today, almost all iMatix software is generated through MOP codebots, making our software highly reliable and consistently high in quality.

Document Processing

Website production can often be costly. At iMatix we have created smart solutions to lower these expenses while meeting customer expectations and remaining profitable.

In 1997 we created HTMLPP: an automated website production platform.

Htmlpp provided the ability to turn plain text into HTML long before wikis existed, similar to their capabilities. We found this ability so useful that it inspired gurudoc – an innovative tool which transforms plain text documentation into beautiful websites, PDFs and documents.


Our software has always been designed with portability in mind. Doing this ensures our work can last and benefit as many developers and users as possible, such as Libero’s SFL portability library for C developers which was one of our initial free offerings after Libero released.

SFL allows our Xitami web server to run smoothly across a wide array of operating systems – Windows, Linx and Unix as well as legacy ones like OS/2 OpenVMS Beos etc.

Multithreading Framework

Back in 1995, we built the original SMT multithreading framework. Today, its successor SMT/5 serves as the backbone for our high-performance servers.

Leveraged software development

iMatix is an industry leader in leveraged software development, using codebots to produce high-quality code automatically. Traditional codebots were costly; each was an individual machine used to compile custom modelling languages into target code. We developed Model Oriented Programming methodology as an efficient, cost-cutting solution – MOP stands out among code generation technologies as it was created specifically with ease!

MOP is perhaps one of the most sophisticated code generation techniques ever devised!

Boom – an active build codebot.

Gurudoc – document production codebots.

Libero – state machine workflow generator;

XNF (codebots that build other codebots).

ICL (Object-Oriented Literal Programming).

OPF (Opera Policy Factory).

SMT (System Multithreaded Server Framework).

ASL – Frameworks to create protocol servers and clients respectively.

GSL (Genetic Syntax Language) is an innovative scripting language designed specifically to build codebots.